Dienstag, 13. Januar 2009

banks and the crisis

Some random sketches expressing our all's grief about the financial crisis that the banks have brought upon us. For non-German readers: I am featuring the logos of Dresdner Bank as the skull's nose, Deutsche Bank as the left eye hole and Commerzbank as the right eye hole and as the burning piece of money on the bottom. These banks belong to the four largest banks in Germany and are probably the most known ones. As of last week, Commerzbank swallowed Dresdner Bank, in a gigantic step of presumable market diversity reduction. Ironically, due to the crisis, Commerzbank lacks sufficient financial assets and asked the German government for support. Now, the crazy thing about it is: The gov't DOES provide 18,000,000,000 Euros and becomes a major shareholder of the company.

On the same note, I might suggest a new logo for the Commerzbank-Dresdner Bank combo:
The visual respects the fact that this enterprise is founded on state alms. A bank consuming our money rather than producing interest is a somewhat ridiculous contribution to the field, but that's the way it is.

Designwise, there's even some similarity between the recent Commerzbank logo and the part with the falling coin repectively the candle light. (This design is processwork for the logo I made for Frankfurter Rundschau Alten- und Weihnachtshilfe e.V.). Here's the Commerzbank logo designed in 2002 from NordiskBüro for comparison:

You might also like to see how the crisis affects jobs. Click here.

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