Montag, 9. Februar 2009

"Boonie 2" - logo for a washed-up rider

This is a logo stamp I made for one of my sisters. As each of my sisters calls the other one "Boonie" it is easy to know for them who is being referred to ("not me", respectively "the other one"). For all other people, the numbering Boonie 1 and Boonie 2 clarifies the addressee. This is Boonie 2, obviously the younger one.

The illustration refers to a situation when she was riding on a pony as a child. The pony didn't quite obey her and ran around disregarding the fact that it had a rider ontop. When it went unter a barrier, it stripped off the saddle. Boonie found herself hanging on the pony's neck.

A print:

A colored version:

This is another version, where the Danish flag serves as the barrier. (The whole thing happened on the beach in Rømø, Denmark):

And some preliminary sketches:

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