Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009

reviewing our past "Kwerbeet" exhibit

I am introducing to you a friendship based alliance of illustrators.

Kwerbeet consists of some chummily illustrators based in Offenbach and Rhein-Main, Germany. (I am one of them). We are organizing shows in the field of illustration and fine art drawing every once in a while. Here, I put up some images from the latest show, which dates back to fall 2008.

This poster served as key visual for our annual kwerbeet show:

The announcement postcard:

The customized back of the postcard points at the theme of my section of the show, "Pet":

Some alternate Kwerbeet logos I made, which were used for the poster:

And finally, here are some impressions of the show:

Under the title "pet", I presented drawings and illustrations:

Katja Preuss presented new acrylic paintings. These guys are looking at some cartoon illustrations of hers.

Martin Stark did drawings of the same motifs with his left hand (his habitual one) and his right hand. The spidery versions (done with the odd hand) had some really nice details.

Another piece of Martin:

Dina Rautenberg showed some sewn illustrations:

A table with kwerbeet merchandise:

Christina Nitschke presented black and white comic pages. I don't have pictures from that, but here is a logo she did for the poster:

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