Freitag, 13. Februar 2009

Roman Köller, Offenbach, Germany

For those of you who would like to see some photos of the physical surrounding of this digital site: Welcome to Offenbach.

All of this happens within clear view range from the window. It's almost like watching a movie.

A ship passing by.

Dozens of sea gulls floating on the river.

Promenaders feeding swans.

Anitques market with well equipped fine-arts section.

And Oktoberfest coming to town.

this picture was found on
But, not all is idyllic here. We are getting an ugly shopping mall, rather a shopping bunker, which will wrap around this house built in traditional framework style.$FILE/KOMM%20Offenbach.jpg
Seeing this picture above, I can't help but think of Wu Ping's house left on a pillar of soil in a pit in Chongquing, China.

image source AFP/Getty Images

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